
Do what Jesus did

By Pastor Tom Albrecht

Today, even in the face of failed attempts to solve the problems of terror, crime and poverty, our leaders will not acknowledge their need of God's wisdom and guidance.

A recent headline following the terror attack in southern California read, "God isn't fixing this" and there was some ridicule aimed at people who were holding on to one another for prayer and comfort. There was a time when leaders in America and in other countries were unafraid to call for prayer, asking God for protection and victory over the enemy.  

"God is all about 'fixing' brokenness and restoring wholeness to those whose lives have been destroyed..."


God’s Word tells us there is power in prayer and intercession for the nations when we humble ourselves and pray (2 Chronicles 4:17). We must understand the starting place for the healing of nations is with us – God's own people – who in humility and repentance, cry out for mercy. The failure to acknowledge that there are two kingdoms at war for control of man's destiny have rendered nations powerless to stop the onslaught of terror and injustice.

I don’t believe that it is too late for a dramatic turnaround in America and the world. I am reminded that God stirred the heart of a pagan king named Cyrus to release the captive Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. The king of Persia (modern day Iran) was stirred by the word of the Lord through the prophet Jeremiah ... and God is able to do it again. 

To take no responsibility in prayer for the hand of God to bring about a great end time harvest does not seem consistent with Jesus' own words concerning the need for laborers for an abundant harvest.

God is all about "fixing" brokenness and restoring wholeness to those whose lives have been destroyed by sin. It is time for passionate prayer and Holy Spirit activated believers to do what Jesus did (Luke 4:18) ... preach the good news, heal the sick, unlock the prison doors, and set the captives free!

A message of hope


One of the great Christmas hymns sung during this season is "O little town of Bethlehem.” The phrase, "the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight,” has always caught my attention. We are living in a time where fear seems to be the dominant theme in the news, politics and global consciousness.

The Christmas message came into a similar climate of fear and oppression in Israel’s history as it is in our time. The announcement to the shepherds by the angelic messenger was, "Fear not, for I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people." This message that tells us that we don’t have to fear was both personal, to YOU (shepherds) and globally to ALL people. 

"This good news that we can be free from fear is a promise – and available – for those who, in simple trust, receive this Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ." 


This good news that we can be free from fear is a promise – and available – for those who, in simple trust, receive this Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. The scriptures have many instructions concerning how to deal with the spirit of fear and terror that has gripped our world. Isaiah 8:11-13 gives this strong admonition:

"The Lord spoke to me in the strongest terms and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people. Don't talk like those who say that some plot devised behind closed doors will be the end of you. When they say there is a confederacy don't take on their fear. Don't let their fear be your fear, don't be afraid. Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself, and let Him be your fear and let Him be your dread. If you believe God, let Him be your fear and you need fear nothing else.” (Paraphrase mine). 


This is a time for believers to pray and intercede on behalf of the nations ... that a great spiritual awakening would once again sweep across the land. I realize such terms as "intercession" and "revival" have fallen on bad times but God has raised up powerful intercessors in the past that have altered history.

Jesus is building his church and we celebrate and rejoice for what is being accomplished ... but we've yet to see the spiritual topography dramatically shifted toward a worldwide harvest of souls. It is coming, God is at work, and the church of Jesus Christ has the message of hope for a world ravaged by the events of recent days.